Additional Information
The payment of fees by, for, or on behalf of participants holds harmless the National Amusement Park Historical Association (NAPHA) and its respective Directors/Representatives from any and all liabilities related to this event and all event activities! Registration by members and/or their guests implies that event participants are bound by NAPHA’s code of ethics/code of conduct. All safety mandates established by the host parks MUST BE FOLLOWED. Failure to abide by any posted/verbal safety directives will result in direct consequences for the member/guest in violation of stated safety measures, up to, and including, revoking of event privileges and/or organizational membership. No refunds given. Every effort will be made to follow the stated itinerary; however, all activities are subject to modification by our hosts (or the weather). No arrangements have been made for accommodations. Submitting your registration means that you, and everyone in your party, have read and agreed to the above registration statements. All registration materials will be at the event - an email with information will be sent prior to the event. Additional information may be requested by emailing or calling 724-493-9766. Fees include requested admissions/wristbands, exclusive ride times, and stated meals.